Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ancient Greek Vocabulary

Agora- A gathering place or an assembly

Arete- excellence and virtue

Polis- city, citizenship, and body of citizens

The year of 508 BC- in this year they became the first society to become a democracy

Socrates- Greek philosopher; started the idea of Modern Western philosophy

The death of the Socrates- Socrates was accused of deny the gods and disrupting the youth through his teaches. He was poisoned.

The Socratic Method- a form of debate between two or more people with different viewpoints; based on asking and answering questions to think of more ideas

What does it mean if the Greeks called you an idiot- It means that you were a man who didn’t want to take part in public discourse and in the public practice.

August 31, 2013 Freshman Goals

For this coming school year, I want to start off by working really hard. I will do all my homework every night and try to do the best I can on my work. I will also try to not be late for classes and school. I will do this by making sure I leave my house early enough to get to school. I want to bring all the right books to class every day too. I will do this by taking my time and keeping organized. I also want to be able to meet other students in my class and school. I will do this by being involved with many clubs and sport activities. I also want to be able to make many memorizes this school year. I will do this by living life with no regrets and to stay confident in myself. I hope to be able to accomplish all of these things by fresh man year.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013

Today during Human Geography, I learned how to make my blog correctly. I realized that I had sent the wrong URL to Mr. Schick in an email. I am glad that I set up my blog correctly. I think by having this blog it will be a great way to practice writing day by day events. I learned the rules of the classroom and what to do if we are absent. I learned that we have to make a blog everyday even if we are absent or miss a class because of a game. I also learned all of the names of the students in my class. I am really excited for this school year. I feel that by the end of the semester it will be cool to look back at all of the blogs that I have made in the past and to see what I have learned. I am very excited for this school year and to learn more about human geography.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Claire Pika


            When I first came into the school I didn’t know what to except.  I felt nervous, anxious, and just excited to experience a new chapter in my life. When I went to my advisory I met the sophomores and other freshman that were in my advisory too. Then we were split up into groups to learn about the school. We had teachers talk to us about the rules of the school like the dress code. We also got to take our year book picture as well as our student ID picture. Then I went to the brown room to learn about how to make my years at John Carroll the best they can be. We also had a guest speaker come to talk to us about making good decisions and committing to things that we believe in. One of my favorite things I did my first day was make new friends. I also enjoyed my classes and my teachers. I have enjoyed my first day and I cannot wait for this school year.