Monday, August 26, 2013

Claire Pika


            When I first came into the school I didn’t know what to except.  I felt nervous, anxious, and just excited to experience a new chapter in my life. When I went to my advisory I met the sophomores and other freshman that were in my advisory too. Then we were split up into groups to learn about the school. We had teachers talk to us about the rules of the school like the dress code. We also got to take our year book picture as well as our student ID picture. Then I went to the brown room to learn about how to make my years at John Carroll the best they can be. We also had a guest speaker come to talk to us about making good decisions and committing to things that we believe in. One of my favorite things I did my first day was make new friends. I also enjoyed my classes and my teachers. I have enjoyed my first day and I cannot wait for this school year.



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