Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we got our quizzes back! I was happy to get 100 percent. After we went over the questions and answers for the quizzes we started to talk about what was on our human geography exam. For your class, I am going to study my past quizzes or test, review my old notes, and look through your blog. I am pretty confident that I remember most of my things we did this trimester. Exams are making me nervous. It is just a lot of information that you have to know. I think I have a good start though. I have made a lot of vocabulary cards for a lot of my classes. The one exam that I am most nervous for is biography. I am pretty confident for my human geography exam. I am going to miss human geography, but I am happy that I have you next semester to for Western Civilization.

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we started off by having a review of the information that was on our quiz. We looked over the power point that you made us to help us study. When we were finished you gave us the quiz. I thought the quiz was there easy and short. I am very confident that I knew all of the answers. There was one question that I was unswore. I looked through all the choices and decided that this one was going to be the best answer. I hope I get a good grade because I would like to get a 100. By learning this and taking the test, I know now exactly what microfinance is. It is really good that are average score in the class is a 93. I am very excited because I got a 100. That’s an A+ and I think it is my first 100 I got on a test in this class. Way to go Section 7!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography we reviewed more about microfinance. We looked at your power point and Jordan showed us the one she made too. Her cover page was very nice. By looking through these finances, I now understand the whole point of microfinance gives people who have a small business or wants to start a business money to start it. I learned the difference between microloan and microfinance too. I learned microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back. I feel that this is a great idea. It gives people who give the money joy because they are helping someone in need and it helps the people who need the money to start their own business. The best part is they get their money back. I think it is really cool that they have websites that help you give microloans to people in developing countries.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we looked over both the power points that our section and section seven made about microfinance. I thought that they had more slides, but ours was short and to the point with more visuals. We also got into the discussion about the poor. I thought that the story you told us does show that not all people who are homeless are just pretending. It was sad to hear that the man did not want to go home because he did not want his sister to see him like that. I feel if I ever hit rock bottom I will go to my parents. The one thing I do not like, like Charlotte said, when people have their whole families including their children. I feel that they use them so people will feel sorrier for them. One way I would help someone who is begging is by giving them food like granola bars.