Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we started off by having a review of the information that was on our quiz. We looked over the power point that you made us to help us study. When we were finished you gave us the quiz. I thought the quiz was there easy and short. I am very confident that I knew all of the answers. There was one question that I was unswore. I looked through all the choices and decided that this one was going to be the best answer. I hope I get a good grade because I would like to get a 100. By learning this and taking the test, I know now exactly what microfinance is. It is really good that are average score in the class is a 93. I am very excited because I got a 100. That’s an A+ and I think it is my first 100 I got on a test in this class. Way to go Section 7!

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