Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we got our quizzes back! I was happy to get 100 percent. After we went over the questions and answers for the quizzes we started to talk about what was on our human geography exam. For your class, I am going to study my past quizzes or test, review my old notes, and look through your blog. I am pretty confident that I remember most of my things we did this trimester. Exams are making me nervous. It is just a lot of information that you have to know. I think I have a good start though. I have made a lot of vocabulary cards for a lot of my classes. The one exam that I am most nervous for is biography. I am pretty confident for my human geography exam. I am going to miss human geography, but I am happy that I have you next semester to for Western Civilization.

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