Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we looked over both the power points that our section and section seven made about microfinance. I thought that they had more slides, but ours was short and to the point with more visuals. We also got into the discussion about the poor. I thought that the story you told us does show that not all people who are homeless are just pretending. It was sad to hear that the man did not want to go home because he did not want his sister to see him like that. I feel if I ever hit rock bottom I will go to my parents. The one thing I do not like, like Charlotte said, when people have their whole families including their children. I feel that they use them so people will feel sorrier for them. One way I would help someone who is begging is by giving them food like granola bars.

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