Monday, January 6, 2014

Janurary 6, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography we started to talk about urban geography. We talked about to how cities become from rural to cities. They urbanize. Urbanize means to make or become modern. Some big cities that urbanized are Mesopotamia which is now Iran and Mesoamerica this is now Mexico. I also learned that scientist have a different meaning of BCE. We say the it is before Christ, but they use it to mean Before Common Era. I found this all very interesting. Cities are a large town that is made up with a lot of buildings and people. It is hard to think that we only have two weeks left of the first semester. Time has flown by. I still have you next semester too. As much as I enjoy human geography, I am excited to start west civ. I am excited to learn more about Urbanization.

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