Friday, January 17, 2014

Januaray 17, 2014

It is sad to say that today is the last day of section 7 Mr. Schick’s Human Geo class. I thought the quiz today was ok. I hope I did well. This year I really enjoyed this class. I like learning about other people around the world and their culture. I enjoyed learning about the different religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. I also enjoyed learning about the different presidents or rulers of many different countries like Germany, Mexico, and Brazil. I in all just really enjoyed this class. I felt as a whole we all worked well together. Even though I am sad that this is the end of this class I am excited to have West Civ. With you next semester. I am excited to learn more about past events and history and just what west civ. Is all about. The one thing I really like that you did was made slideshows to help us study. Please do that next semester to.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Januaray 15, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s human geography class, we watched some more of the video Guns, Germs, and Steel. We took some more notes on it and went over some of the questions that we are going to have on the test this Friday. I learned that there are only fourteen domestic animals. These animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bactery camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithns, and baly cattle. There are only llamas in South America. None of the animals are in Papa Uginy. All of the animals are in Asia, Europe, and North Africa. The best civilization is the Middle East. They had cows, sheep, goats, horse, wheat, and barley. The three things that civilizations need to flourish are specialized workers, advanced technology, and a large population of people. Cargo is goods and materials that you don’t need to survive. It is things that you own.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Januaray 14, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s human geography class, we talked about the show Guns, Germs, and Steel. We discussed what the movie was about. We talked about the professor, Jared Diamond, who works at University of Los Angeles. He also likes to watch birds. We talked about how farming first started. Diamond believed that a country could be more developed than another because of geographic luck. This means that where ever you lived you could have grown wheat, corn, squash, rice, and yams. In Ugueny, their main source of food is the sago tree. Women cut through the trees to find this and it makes plenty of food. He also believed that if you can grow the most products you will be the most productive farmer. Farmers started to use animal domestication. The first domesticated animals were goats and sheep. By raising goats, they learned they could get meat, clothes, food, and fertilizer from the animal.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Januaray 13, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class, we watched a video called Guns, Germs, and Steel. The big question of the video was why did the world become so unequal. A scientist named Mr. Diamond from UCLA (University California Los Angeles) was trying to figure it out. He went to Eugeniy to try to figure this out. Many people, back in time, believed power was decided on race. In the video we saw how different our world is compared to there's. they talked about how skilled you had to be a hunting. I could not imagine going around hunting for food. They talked about the first farmers and how they figured out how to grow wheat. Then it started to spread across the world. China started to grow rice. The U.S. started to grow corn and squash. this changed the way we got our food. People did not have to hunt as often and it was probably easier to grow crops then it was to hunt.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014

On Friday in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class, we took some more notes about Urbanization. Because we had an two hour delay, the schedule was confusing and we did not have as much time as we usually do. This week his been crazy. Since we have had two hour delays and a day off, I am just having a harder time adjusting. I was very satisfied with my exam grade. I got an 91 percent. I was really proud off all the work that I put in and i got good results back. I hope i did well on my essay. I am pretty confident that I knew a lot of information and i had it all in order. I hope my grade stays the same. The test that we are taking on Charlotte's birthday, which is January 15, helps keep my grade the same or improve it. I am looking forward to next class on Monday morning!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Januaray 8, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we went over more information about the first urban revolution. We talked about cities and urban. Cities are a conglomeration of people and buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics. The two components enable to form a city is an agricultural surplus and social stratification. Urban is the build up of a central city and the suburban realm. There are the Five Hearths of Urbanization. The first one is called Mesopotamia, 3500 BCE. The second one was the Nile River Valley, 3200 BCE. The third was the Indus River Valley, 2200 BCE. The two first cities in the Indus River Valley were Harappa and Mohenjo. They had houses that were equal in size and had no monuments. The forth was Huang He and Wei River Valley, 1500 BCE and the last one formed in 200 BCE and it was called Mesoamerica.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Janurary 6, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography we started to talk about urban geography. We talked about to how cities become from rural to cities. They urbanize. Urbanize means to make or become modern. Some big cities that urbanized are Mesopotamia which is now Iran and Mesoamerica this is now Mexico. I also learned that scientist have a different meaning of BCE. We say the it is before Christ, but they use it to mean Before Common Era. I found this all very interesting. Cities are a large town that is made up with a lot of buildings and people. It is hard to think that we only have two weeks left of the first semester. Time has flown by. I still have you next semester too. As much as I enjoy human geography, I am excited to start west civ. I am excited to learn more about Urbanization.