Friday, January 17, 2014

Januaray 17, 2014

It is sad to say that today is the last day of section 7 Mr. Schick’s Human Geo class. I thought the quiz today was ok. I hope I did well. This year I really enjoyed this class. I like learning about other people around the world and their culture. I enjoyed learning about the different religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. I also enjoyed learning about the different presidents or rulers of many different countries like Germany, Mexico, and Brazil. I in all just really enjoyed this class. I felt as a whole we all worked well together. Even though I am sad that this is the end of this class I am excited to have West Civ. With you next semester. I am excited to learn more about past events and history and just what west civ. Is all about. The one thing I really like that you did was made slideshows to help us study. Please do that next semester to.

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