Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Januaray 14, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick’s human geography class, we talked about the show Guns, Germs, and Steel. We discussed what the movie was about. We talked about the professor, Jared Diamond, who works at University of Los Angeles. He also likes to watch birds. We talked about how farming first started. Diamond believed that a country could be more developed than another because of geographic luck. This means that where ever you lived you could have grown wheat, corn, squash, rice, and yams. In Ugueny, their main source of food is the sago tree. Women cut through the trees to find this and it makes plenty of food. He also believed that if you can grow the most products you will be the most productive farmer. Farmers started to use animal domestication. The first domesticated animals were goats and sheep. By raising goats, they learned they could get meat, clothes, food, and fertilizer from the animal.

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