Monday, January 13, 2014

Januaray 13, 2014

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class, we watched a video called Guns, Germs, and Steel. The big question of the video was why did the world become so unequal. A scientist named Mr. Diamond from UCLA (University California Los Angeles) was trying to figure it out. He went to Eugeniy to try to figure this out. Many people, back in time, believed power was decided on race. In the video we saw how different our world is compared to there's. they talked about how skilled you had to be a hunting. I could not imagine going around hunting for food. They talked about the first farmers and how they figured out how to grow wheat. Then it started to spread across the world. China started to grow rice. The U.S. started to grow corn and squash. this changed the way we got our food. People did not have to hunt as often and it was probably easier to grow crops then it was to hunt.

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