Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we looked over more of our blogs to make sure we had the right information. I learned that in Germany there are actually to rulers. Their president is Joachim GAUCK and Chancellor Angela Merkel. She was voted number eight in Forbes most Powerful women. She not only is in charge of Germany, but she makes a lot of choices for other countries as well. This just shows us how times have changed. Back in the day women were not even a loud to vote and now they can rule nations and make huge dictions for them.  I also learned that Iran and the United States used to have a good relationship. That surprises me just because everything they are went through with them. I also learned that many of these rulers did not grow up with government in their family. Many of them came from middle class families. President Nicolas Maduro Moros, the president of Venezuela, was a bus driver before coming the president of his country. This shows us that sometimes it does not matter what you come from or whats your education, if you want to be somebody or do something for your country you can.

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