Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

Yesterday I was very happy to see that my human geography class was going to be able to retake the test that we had taken on Monday. While taking this test I felt that I knew the information a lot better than I had on Friday. I hope that I did well. I only were questionable on two questions so I believe that that is a good sign. I hope I get an A. Luckily in this class we are able to do journals every day and they truly help out your grade.  I do not mind blogging every day. It really does improve your grade at the end. By doing this test, I feel that I have learned about more religions that I have not known before like Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. I knew a lot about Christianity already. I believe I got a hundred on this test and I am excited to see what I got.

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