Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we got our quizzes back! I was happy to get 100 percent. After we went over the questions and answers for the quizzes we started to talk about what was on our human geography exam. For your class, I am going to study my past quizzes or test, review my old notes, and look through your blog. I am pretty confident that I remember most of my things we did this trimester. Exams are making me nervous. It is just a lot of information that you have to know. I think I have a good start though. I have made a lot of vocabulary cards for a lot of my classes. The one exam that I am most nervous for is biography. I am pretty confident for my human geography exam. I am going to miss human geography, but I am happy that I have you next semester to for Western Civilization.

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we started off by having a review of the information that was on our quiz. We looked over the power point that you made us to help us study. When we were finished you gave us the quiz. I thought the quiz was there easy and short. I am very confident that I knew all of the answers. There was one question that I was unswore. I looked through all the choices and decided that this one was going to be the best answer. I hope I get a good grade because I would like to get a 100. By learning this and taking the test, I know now exactly what microfinance is. It is really good that are average score in the class is a 93. I am very excited because I got a 100. That’s an A+ and I think it is my first 100 I got on a test in this class. Way to go Section 7!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography we reviewed more about microfinance. We looked at your power point and Jordan showed us the one she made too. Her cover page was very nice. By looking through these finances, I now understand the whole point of microfinance gives people who have a small business or wants to start a business money to start it. I learned the difference between microloan and microfinance too. I learned microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back. I feel that this is a great idea. It gives people who give the money joy because they are helping someone in need and it helps the people who need the money to start their own business. The best part is they get their money back. I think it is really cool that they have websites that help you give microloans to people in developing countries.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we looked over both the power points that our section and section seven made about microfinance. I thought that they had more slides, but ours was short and to the point with more visuals. We also got into the discussion about the poor. I thought that the story you told us does show that not all people who are homeless are just pretending. It was sad to hear that the man did not want to go home because he did not want his sister to see him like that. I feel if I ever hit rock bottom I will go to my parents. The one thing I do not like, like Charlotte said, when people have their whole families including their children. I feel that they use them so people will feel sorrier for them. One way I would help someone who is begging is by giving them food like granola bars.

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we worked as a class on a power point about microfinance. I could not do a lot for the power point because my computer could not connect to the internet. I did work with Hanna though and we did add some information to the slides. At first I thought that this was going to be a total disaster, but in the end the power point did end up looking nice. In the power point we talked about microfinance and what it means. Microfinance is the lending of small amounts of money at low interest to new businesses in the developing world. We also talked about what developing countries are dealing with. They are dealing with things like diseases (malaria), famine, drought, poor health care, poverty, and pollution. We talked about common uses for microloans to. These loans are usually used for starting up new businesses.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography, we did the Peace Corps Challenge again. In my group, I am working with Hanna, Jordan, and Charlotte. If you take your time and read it you will learn what decisions you should make for your community. I decided to pick the women with the women who had the idea of making a bag to pick up trash. I felt that this is a good decisions. For this it can, help keep the town clean and keep from the towns being cluttered. I also had to give my opinion on how farmers could save their crops. I gave them my opinion and the governor agreed with me. I also found out that many people were ok with young girls dropping out of school. I felt that every person should be able to get an education. It is wrong to just let them not have an education like boys do.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography test we played the Peace Corps game. While playing this game we got to see how governors make decisions that affect their communities. These communities in the game are ones that are developing so that means that they do not have, for example, the technology and government that most countries have. We had to give people in towns some money for them to get started on their business. I picked the women who wanted to make totes to pick up trash. I felt that this could help the community stay cleaner. We also had to make decisions and give your input about how I felt would be the fastest and least expensive way to fix some of the problems. One of the problems in the town was that there was a disease going around. Another problem was that young girls were dropping out of school to help out at home.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we looked over the test that we took last week. I thought I did a decent job. I got an eighty six on it which is a high B and I am satisfied with that. You asked us what will help us learn better or help us pay attention in class. I have to agree with Charlotte that we should do a review the day before we take the test. This shows me what I need to study, the information that I do not know, and it shows if I need to take a lot a time to study or not. I feel that when we use computers in class it is our responsibility to do what we are supposed to do. I also like when we are able to do group work. It makes use be able to communicate about human geography instead of just being lectured.

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we started to look at the Peace Corps. I never realized, but when you are in the Peace Corps they send you off to any place that needs you. That takes some brave people that not only want to support their own country, but others in need too. We also started to talk about loons and insurance. Insurance is very helpful. If you get in a bad car accident you do not have to pay for it, your insurance does. I never realized that you needed to be insured to be able to get a license. We also talked about loons. Loons are when you let someone borrow money and then they will pay you back later. The government gives loons to people who are poor. This lets them have a start and have money for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we took our test. I was very surprised and happy he let us use our blogs for help. Because of this I probably got more answers right then I would have. I though I did well on the quiz. There was only two problems I did not know and they were the one that asked what government it would be and the other one was what two leaders grew up with a strong economic background. I had to think about, but I could not find anything that said they had family in the government or something like that. I hope I did well on the test because this quarter I really want to have a A in human geography.
I really enjoyed learning about the different leaders, rulers, prime ministers, or presidents of each country. It just showed me how different the Us is then other countries.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we finished looking at the world leader’s power point. I learned that even though Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of the United Kingdom, she would not be the one to make very big dictions like to go into a war with another country or if they were being attacked. The person who would make the finally decision is Prime Minister Cameron. We also got into discussion about the greatest country in the world. I also learned that David Camren grew up with a wealthy family and the thing that changed his life was his disabled son. In Venezuela, there president is Nicolas Maduro Moros. He became president when his president died after having cancer. In my opinion the only country I would want to live in is the United States, but it may not be the best. We also discussed about the odd people that you see in Walmart.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we looked over more of our blogs to make sure we had the right information. I learned that in Germany there are actually to rulers. Their president is Joachim GAUCK and Chancellor Angela Merkel. She was voted number eight in Forbes most Powerful women. She not only is in charge of Germany, but she makes a lot of choices for other countries as well. This just shows us how times have changed. Back in the day women were not even a loud to vote and now they can rule nations and make huge dictions for them.  I also learned that Iran and the United States used to have a good relationship. That surprises me just because everything they are went through with them. I also learned that many of these rulers did not grow up with government in their family. Many of them came from middle class families. President Nicolas Maduro Moros, the president of Venezuela, was a bus driver before coming the president of his country. This shows us that sometimes it does not matter what you come from or whats your education, if you want to be somebody or do something for your country you can.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 9, 2013

On Friday in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class, we went over our re-test. I was very happy with my results. I got a ninety six. That is twenty three more percent then I got last time. On the test I saw that I did get the same two answers wrong, but now I knew the right answers. Then we went reviewed some information about the rulers or presidents of many different countries like Germany, China, Afghanistan, Untied Kingdom and Mexico. One of my favorites to learn about was Brazil. There president is Dilma ROUSSEFF and they have a federal government. Dilma as a teenager was abused, beat and taken to jail by her own government. That is why it is very surprising that she wanted to be involved with her government with what happened. If I was her I defiantly would have left the country. I am excited to learn more about the of rulers of countries.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013

President Enrique PENA NIETO
1. H was the oldest of four siblings in a middle-class family: his father, Gilberto Enrique Pena del Mazo, was an engineer for the electric company and his mother, Maria del Socorro Nieto, a school teacher
2. when he was fifth teen, his fathers cousin was the successor of the governor . when he started to run his campaign that was the first Enrique saw of government and he knew he wanted to be involved with politics. New York Times
President XI Jinping
1.   was a son of a revolutionary veteran, one of the key founders of the Communist party's.
2. Has a daughter and she is studying at Harvard in the U.S.
President Pranab MUKHERJEE
1. He was rated as one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984 and was adjudged the best parliamentarian in 1997.
2. He taught Political Science at the Vidiyanagar College, and worked as a journalist before entering politics. The Indian Times
President Hamid Karzi
1. Hamid Karzai attended Mahmood Hotaki Primary School in Kandahar and Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani School in Kabul. He graduated from Habibia High School in 1976.[6] From 1979 to 1983, Karzai took a postgraduate course in political science at Himachal Pradesh University in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. He is well versed in several languages, including his native tonguewhich is Pashto, as well as Dari (Persian), Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, English and French
2. He emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule and worked to undermined the regime.
President Joachim GAUCK and Chancellor Angela Merkel
1. According to Joachim Gauck, his political activities were inspired by the ordeal of his father,[28] and he stated that he grew up with a "well-founded anti-communism"
2.  Angela Merkel has been the chancellor since November 2005.
Queen Elizabeth II and Prime minister David Cameron
1. Cameron is the youngest Prime minister in over 200 years.
2. Elizabeth became queen on Feb. 6, 1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953. She has been the queen for 60 years and counting.
President Francois HOLLANDE

1.  Hollande has no previous experience in a national government position.
2.  he was married to Segolene Royal, they had four children, and he was with her for 30 years.
President Dilma ROUSSEFF
1. she opposed Brazil's military dictatorship of the 1960's and the 70's and served three years in prison, where she was repeatedly tutored.
2.  In 1967 she joined the Worker's Politics (Portuguese: Política Operária—POLOP), an organization founded in 1961 as a faction of the Brazilian Socialist Party. Its members soon found themselves divided over the method to be used for the implementation of socialism; while some supported the struggle for the election of a constituent assembly, others preferred the armed struggle
President Nicolas MADURO Moros
1. He worked as a bus driver before becoming politically active in early 1990's.

2. he worked as vice president, but after President Chavez's death on March 5, 2013, he took over and became president.
King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
1. has had 22 children
2. he is worth 21 billion dollars NYTimes
President Shimon PERES and Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu
1. Peres was born in Belarus and to escape persecution of jews, his family fled to Palestine in 1934.  
2. Netanyahu lived in the US in the years 1956-58 and again 1963-67
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI, President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani
1. Khamenei was elected president in 1981, re-elected in 1985, and became the supreme leader in 1989.
2. Ruhani was elected president in June 2013