Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013

Today for my blog, I wanted to start talking about 9/11 and how it has made a huge impact on American culture. I do not remember it, but every person who does remembers exactly what they were doing that very day. My dad said he was at work and he remembers it was a beautiful day outside. I still just cannot believe it happened. One day I would like to go visit the memorial in New York. Otherwise, today in human geography we talked about interconnectedness. Interconnectedness means that you are connected in some way. For an example, we talked about how Christianity and how it is the world’s most common religion. Christianity is not just in the United States, but it is also in many other countries. We also talked about how people group others together just because people made awful decisions. It is very common in the United States that when we see someone who is Muslim we all just say they are terrorist. I feel as a country it will be difficult to get rid of labels.

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