Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shift Happens September 7, 2013

In Human Geography, we watched a video called Shift Happens. In the video, it talked about how much more advanced China and India are than the United States. One of the facts was that during the video, which is four minutes and twenty two seconds, 60 babies were born in the United States, 244 in China, and 351 were born in India. This just shows that other countries are much more populated then ours and it is still growing. It is just weird to think about it because I always felt that our country was very large and was ahead on electronics, but other countries are. Another fact said if Facebook was country it would be the third largest country in the world. This just shows us how big social media truly is in our world today. The last one that surprised me was when they said that they are preparing students in our generation for jobs that do not even exist yet, using technology that has not been invented yet to be able to solve problems that have not even occurred yet. This just made me realize that when I am older I could be working a job for something that has not even been invented yet. This just showed me that our country is going to grow, learn, and invent new things from generation to generation.

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