Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we talked about Nike video. We figured out that even the changes that they made are still not fair. The workers in the Nike factor our paid 3.70 dollars when they are really supposed to be paid 4 dollars. In my opinion, it is just all wrong. What does not make sense to me is that Tiger Woods gets paid hundred million dollars to wear the shoes and clothes these workers spend long hours making. One thing that really made me think was when you said for every second Tiger Wood plays golf, a work in Indonesia could buy a house. This just shows how much money can make a difference in life. Even though the workers in the sweatshops are getting paid better, I believe that they should be treated better. Today in school, the assembly about Beth’s story was truly inspirational. Just to see all the awful things that have happened in her life and she is still positive. It is truly amazing that she is still living after everything that she went through. Her story really shows that you should never judge someone just because of the way they look.  

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