Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

Today in class, we learned how to open Power School. I am happy that we learned this so it will make it easy for us to check our grades at any time. Then, we talked about our blogs and the vocab we had to look up. We discussed as a class the definitions of the Greek words. Then we talked about how the Greeks were the first ones to make government. They created the first democracy. Mr. Schick then talked to us about how the Greeks used to vote. People would go to angora, or a gathering place and stand on a stool. They would talk to the crowd about what they felt needed to be changed with the government. If they agreed they would say “I”. Then, I had to leave class early because I had to get my picture retaken for my lunch card. I hope that I will be able to get that soon so I can by lunch in the cafeteria. I am excited to learn about the Greeks and for our next class.

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