Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we split up into small groups and started to work on a PowerPoint. I was partnered with Jordan, Hanna, Charlotte, and I. I am glad that I am working with them because I know that they will do their work. We were assigned to start working on a slideshow about globalization. We split the project into different parts for us to do. I looked up the definition on The definition that I found said globalization meant to spread global across the world and it is worldwide integration and development. I also finished my slide and I put a picture on it. So far my group has completed five slides. We looked up the Pro and Cons of globalization as well. This weekend I am planning on working on it a little bit to. I agree with Mr. Schick that Wikipedia is a good website. It does has useful information.

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