Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we watched a video about Nike and how they are not treating there workers fairly. I opinion changed about Nike. I never realized that someone would ever treat people so lowly. It made me feel awful when I heard what the police would do to these people. They would hit them and threaten to kill them. It just made me think about how lucky I am to have what I have. All people should be treated equally no matter if they are poor or rich. One thing that surprised me was when they would try to talk with one of the owners of Nike and he would not even speak to them. To me it would only seem fair if the owners of Nike would listen to them and what they were trying to say. This video did touch me so thank you showing me this. After we watched the video, I did realize that globalization is not always good. It can lead to horrible things and effects people lives.

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