Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ocotober 30, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography, we learned about other religions. We learned about the rest of Hinduism. They believe in karma and they believe in scared texts called the Vedas. The book contains rhymes, prayers, and magical spells. We also learned about Buddism. Buddism is an eastern religion, a world religion or philosophy based on teachings of the Buddha and holding that a state of enlighten can be attained by suppressing worldly derives and the four noble truths. They believe in the truth of the dukka, truth of the origin of dukka, truth of the cession of dukka, and truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukka. There are between 300 and 500 million people. They are the fourth largest religion. They worship in a temple. It is mostly practiced in China, Japan, Korea, and South Asia. I also presented my project in school today too. I thought that my group did a really nice job.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

october 29, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we went over the quiz that we took. I did not do as well as I wanted to. Some of the questions were difficult, but after looking at the questions I feel that I know the answers. We also started to present our religion projects. Today, Jordan, Charlotte, and Laura presented there’s on Islam. I learned that Islam is a little bit like our religion. They believe in one God just like we do. They believe in angels and in God’s revealed book which is kind of like our Bible just in their religion. The founder of Islam was the prophet Muhammad. They also believe in other prophets like Jesus. Islam is the second religion coming after Christianity. 23.4% of the world are Muslims. The next country we learned about was Hinduism. I learned that the name of their God is Brahman. They are the third largest country in the world and most of the people who are this religion live in India.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ocotober 28, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we talked a little bit about our quiz that we took the other day. Then we started to work as a group to look up a religion and find information about it. For my religion I got Christianity and I am working with Scott and Hanna. I did find a lot of information about their basic beliefs they have. I knew a lot of information about the religion like they believe in one only God and they believe in the Trinity which is made up of three things: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I also knew that they use to Bible and have Saints. Saints are people who have had a good and holy earthly life. I liked the religion that I had because it was easy and I knew a lot about it, but I want to learn about other religions like Buddhism or Hinduism.

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick Human Geography class, we had a test. First, we started to review for the test. We asked you questions about what was on it and you told us if it was on it or not. When I took the test some of the questions were easy, but some I had to take a wise guess. The hardest questions were the last five. These questions were on abbreviations and what they stand for. I feel like I could get some of them right, but I got confused on two of them. I also had a hard time with some of the religion questions. I was not hear on Monday so I never really got to go over these notes. I hope I did ok because I am happy with my grade which is an 86. I hope it does not drop because this class is my lowest grade that I have and I would rather move it up then down.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 23, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we went over what question were going to be possible on the test. We ended up talking about why the United States is the best country or not. In my opinion it is not the best county in the world. The only way in my opinion to prove that it is the best country is for it to be ranked number one in every category. We also talked about how the United States is ranked number one for having the most people in prison. I feel that it not fair to put people in prison for doing little things like smocking pot in public. I feel though in other defenses that it is good to be extra strict because it will make people be more scared to do bad things so they do not get in trouble. During the class, I had to take all the notes that I missed on Monday because I had a dentist appointment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we started to take some more notes. I learned what nationalism means. It means to believe that your county is superior to all others. This is an example of what Hitler did. I also learned what economic differences are. Some examples of economic differences are fertile land, access to fresh water, access to the cost, fishing rights, natural resources, and different economic philosophies. An example of humanitarian is the Red Cross. These are people who help others who are in need after something tragic happens. An example of Economic Alliances are NAFTA and Law of the Sea. Programs to promote international understanding are when people help people in need any time. An example of this is Peace Corps. People who join the peace core usually stay with it for a long time and travel around the world to help people in need or who are poor.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

Today I was not in class because I had to go to the dentist. I look forward to learning in tomorrows class.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 20, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we took a test. The test was a surprise. There was 75 questions on it. This test was to test of how much we know. I think I did ok on this test. Some of the information I knew, but other things I did not. I believe that we are going to take this test again at the end of the year to see how much information we learned during the year. I wonder how much my score will improve once I take the test again. So far this year I have been really enjoying Human Geography this year. It is an enjoyable class because I know I am learning, but it is not a serious environment like some of my other classes. I have also been enjoying learning about our generation. It is cool just to see how our generation is growing and what it will probably be like in the future.   

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we went over our POPulation quiz. I did ok on it, but I think I could have done better. While we were reviewing our answers, the topic of illegal immigrants came up. It surprises me that Canada has more illegal immigrants live in United States. It was also surprised to see that there are more illegal immigrants from other countries then there are from Mexico. We also found that there are about 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. I thought there are more than that. After we went over the test, we started to discuss cultural geography. Cultural geography is the study of cultural products and their variations across and relations to study and places. One of the most important things that cultural geography shows are religious freedom. I wonder if cultural geography is going to be like the population pyramid and I wonder if it will show charts.

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we had to take a quiz. I think I did ok on it, but I did not know we were going to have one. One of the questions I did not know was what RNI stood for. I found out the RNI means rate of natural increase. I also learned to solve for rate of natural increase by subtracting the death rate by the birth rate and then dividing it by 10. The easiest part of the quiz was matching the definitions with the word. The graphs were also very easy. I understood the graphs so it made plenty of sense to me. I did not know what country had the best net migration rate. I am pretty sure it was Canada. I wish I would have known about the test because I feel that I would have done better. I am excited to see what class gives the most money for the website.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013

Today in Human Geography class we got our test back. I was really happy with what I got. I did better then I thought I would. Then we went over our test and answers. Some of the questions were very hard though, but it was not just me to get tem wrong. After that we started to discuss more about population pyramid. It was cool to see that the population of ages of people can be so different in different cities. In Florida, for example, they had a lot more older people living in it because that is usually where older people go when they retire. In Manhattan, there were more people between the ages 20 to 40 because there are many jobs there for people to work in like the fashion industry. I am enjoying looking at these different drops because it makes us see how some of the cities in our country are developed and some are developing.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013

Today during Human Geography we took our test on God Grew Tired of Us. I thought I did ok on the test, but there were some problems I did not know the answer. My favorite part of the class was that Angelia brought in Dunkin Donut munchkins. They are my favorite. After we took the test we started to discuss population pyramids. We learned the different types of population pyramids. When the pyramid is shaped like a Christmas tree it means that it is a developing country. When it is a block or a cup shape it means it is a developed country. When a country is developing it means that they are having more babies then they are with older people. When it’s a developed it means that they are not producing as many children and there are older people in the country. I really enjoyed class and I hope to learn more about population pyramid.

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Today in Human Geo class, we finished watching the movie. My favorite part of the movie was when John was finally got to see his sister and mother. He has not seen them in 17 years. That is just crazy to me. I would be thinking about my family all the time. I liked that John’s mom was singing in the airport. It just should us what their culture does when they celebrate. In the end, John started his foundation to get a medical clinic in his home town. Panther left and went to Africa to get married. He came back and got his bachelor’s degree. Panther wants to open a school in his home town. Daniel has not been able to locate and contact his family members. He is taking classes at a community college. This movie does show me that I should be thankful for what I have because you never know when it is going to be taken away.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 5, 2013

In Human Geography class on Friday, we checked our test. I was kind of surprised at the grade that I had gotten because I thought I did better than that. We also went over the answers and what you were looking for in our essay answers. Then we watched the movie. I have been really enjoying this movie. It shows us a different culture and a story that I have never heard of before. In the movie, it was really important for John Dal to keep his culture and not Americanize. You can tell when the Lost Boys had there reunion that some of them had become more American by the way they dressed. They were also talking about how they had bought cars too. John was telling them that we should not do that. I really hope in the movie they talk about how John’s cause was started too.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2, 2013

Today we continued watching the movie the Lost Boy. In the movie, they have been in America for a year now. They all have jobs now. John has two jobs. He works in the factory and at McDonalds. It was cool that he finally found out that some of his family was alive. If I was him I would want to go back or do something just to help them. It is crazy to think that he was 13 years old when he left his and years later he is finding out where they are. I do believe that putting the boys in big cities like New York and Pittsburg made it harder for them to fit into society. I would have such a hard time adjusting. In the movie, the lost boys were saying that people are not as friendly as they thought they would be. I can understand that. I remember being in New York and they were some very rude people.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we watched the movie about the three Lost Boys that came to America. It was funny just to see their reaction about electricity and especially the escalator. It just shows us how much our country is so much more developed then others. One thing that touched me was when John Bul Dau was thinking about the lost boys he had left behind in Kenya. I cannot believe the huge adjustment they had to make. It was still pretty cool though that they were still celebrating their own customs from their country. They should be able to not completely become Americanized. I am really enjoying this movie so far. I am curious to see if they stay or go back to the camp in Kenya. It is so different from there so I can understand why they would do that, but I would not want to leave America because we have it so good.