Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we had to take a quiz. I think I did ok on it, but I did not know we were going to have one. One of the questions I did not know was what RNI stood for. I found out the RNI means rate of natural increase. I also learned to solve for rate of natural increase by subtracting the death rate by the birth rate and then dividing it by 10. The easiest part of the quiz was matching the definitions with the word. The graphs were also very easy. I understood the graphs so it made plenty of sense to me. I did not know what country had the best net migration rate. I am pretty sure it was Canada. I wish I would have known about the test because I feel that I would have done better. I am excited to see what class gives the most money for the website.

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