Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ocotober 30, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography, we learned about other religions. We learned about the rest of Hinduism. They believe in karma and they believe in scared texts called the Vedas. The book contains rhymes, prayers, and magical spells. We also learned about Buddism. Buddism is an eastern religion, a world religion or philosophy based on teachings of the Buddha and holding that a state of enlighten can be attained by suppressing worldly derives and the four noble truths. They believe in the truth of the dukka, truth of the origin of dukka, truth of the cession of dukka, and truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukka. There are between 300 and 500 million people. They are the fourth largest religion. They worship in a temple. It is mostly practiced in China, Japan, Korea, and South Asia. I also presented my project in school today too. I thought that my group did a really nice job.

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