Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick Human Geography class, we had a test. First, we started to review for the test. We asked you questions about what was on it and you told us if it was on it or not. When I took the test some of the questions were easy, but some I had to take a wise guess. The hardest questions were the last five. These questions were on abbreviations and what they stand for. I feel like I could get some of them right, but I got confused on two of them. I also had a hard time with some of the religion questions. I was not hear on Monday so I never really got to go over these notes. I hope I did ok because I am happy with my grade which is an 86. I hope it does not drop because this class is my lowest grade that I have and I would rather move it up then down.

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