Tuesday, October 29, 2013

october 29, 2013

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we went over the quiz that we took. I did not do as well as I wanted to. Some of the questions were difficult, but after looking at the questions I feel that I know the answers. We also started to present our religion projects. Today, Jordan, Charlotte, and Laura presented there’s on Islam. I learned that Islam is a little bit like our religion. They believe in one God just like we do. They believe in angels and in God’s revealed book which is kind of like our Bible just in their religion. The founder of Islam was the prophet Muhammad. They also believe in other prophets like Jesus. Islam is the second religion coming after Christianity. 23.4% of the world are Muslims. The next country we learned about was Hinduism. I learned that the name of their God is Brahman. They are the third largest country in the world and most of the people who are this religion live in India.

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